Minutes of the LRTC Meeting 11th May 2019 at Dubbo
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held in Dubbo
Saturday 11th May 2019
Chairman Dom Figliomeni opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
ATTENDANCE: As per attendance sheet Total 20
APOLOGIES: John Faulks, Steph Cooke, Judith Hannan, Dugald Saunders, Gordon Bradbery, Michael O’Leary, Philip Laird, Anthony Durkin, Ken McGrath, Bill West, Paul Tool, Eddy Wilkinson. Peter Watts Iris Research TOTAL 13 MOVED: Maurice Simpson That apologies be accepted. SECONDED: Ray Morris CARRIED.
Dom introduced Councillor Vicki Etheridge to welcome all attending the meeting today and short summery of the progress of the Dubbo Regional Council which include the support of the LRTC to Council for the third river crossing and by pass, also upgrades to the Air Port, Car Parking, RFS Training and accommodation building, Flying Doctors, Sporting Ovals and Roads.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Minutes of the February meeting held at Blayney on the 9th February 2019. Amendments Page 3 Ian Gray to collate the past and future correspondence and reports of the LRTC in conjunction with Pascale Stendell and Eddy Wilkinson for a solution for the proposal to the retrieval of such documents. Page 3 Hilltops report Military articles of Brian Dun. MOVED: Ian Gray SECONDED: Pascale Stendell CARRIED.
BUSINESS ARISING: Pascale Stendell to coordinate the storage and retrieve documents electronically in a basic format and that Pascale have the authority to operate on the LRTC web site and be provided with the email address to John Webb of Frog Quartet the LRTC web site coordinator. MOVED: Maurice Simpson SECONDED: John Horton CARRIED:
PRESENTATION NARROMINE INLAND RAIL ACTION GROUP. By Andrew & Jennifer Knop which are impacted land owners after the new proposed rail route of the Inland Rail was moved to the eastern side of Narromine to Narrabri.
The western route around Narromine was extensively researched over a ten year period.
This week an inquiry into the Inland Rail was approved.
The new route has an 80 degree turn at Narromine also 90, 45 and another 90 degree turn which is not good for a large fast train as it pulls the corners in.
The ARTC have never seen a topographic map which would show the terrain of the proposed route.
The new route is subject to flooding.
The Narromine community have not had any consultation with the ARTC for the proposed route.
The extra cost of $37mil to build the line east of Narromine
The use of exciting track has been ignored.
The Inland Rail Action Group have suggested that the exciting track from Tomingley to Curban be used.
The track around Dubbo could be used in conjunction with the Dubbo Road by pass.
Other issues Farms are been fragmented, over 50000 people will be affected.
Write to the ARTC John Fullerton and Federal Ministers to request more information on the proposed route of the Inland Rail and to have more consultation with all communities and to continue with the original route (west of Narromine) using the information from the 10 years of studies. MOVED: Ray Morris SECONDED: Maurice Simpson CARRIED
Vicki Etheridge re. Dubbo Bypass and River Bridge. Dugald Saunders has said that the river bridge will go ahead. A petition is circulating around Dubbo for the building of the bypass. MOVED: Garry Braithwate: That the Committee write to Paul Tool, The NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and the RMS explaining the concerns of the Dubbo community of the planed River Street Bridge and the Bypass. SECONDED: Vicki Etheridge CARRIED
Pascale Stendell suggested that this projected go on our web site all agreed.
TREASURERS REPORT: Presented by Dennis Hughes Opening Balance as at 1st February 2019 $ 16056.89 Income $1070.09 Expenses $150.00 Closing Balance as at 30 th April 2019 $16976.98 MOVED: Dennis Hughes That the Treasurers Report be accepted and A/Cs be paid SECONDED: John Horton CARRIED.
Report from Dubbo re bypass
From The Hon Andrew Constance MP Response to Dom’s letter
Letters to all Political Parties requesting information on Rail, Road and Road Train Access Invites to Dugald Saunders MP & Paul Tool MP to next meeting MOVED: John Hetherington SECONDED: Ian Gray CARRIED.
Karina McLachlan asked for permission to pass around her partition to be signed which was granted.
Dom Figliomeni: Iris Research was set up by Wollongong Council to do research for local authorities unable to attend today but will in the future.
Hilltops Council: John Horton: Thanked Maurice and Dennis for the report and work at the NSW Parliament. To keep up the pressure on the Blayney to Demondrille Line.
Ray Morris LVR: Commented on the continued work of this committee to keep the Blayney Demondrille line in the forefront of the politicians involved. LVR would like to thank Cowra Mayor Bill West and the committee for work already done. LVR are working together with the Council to the reinstating the line from Cowra to Woodstock for tourist trains.
Graham Dunn Cowra: Thanked the Committee for maintaining his comments on the LRTC web site.
Garry Braithwate Dubbo: Alcan the building is still in progress and have gone from open cut mining to stock piling to underground mining and have found gold 2 or 3ks away from there site.
John Hetherington Grenfell: He has down loaded a study from Labour of the Inland Rail and information from the NSW Farmers and to submit them to the Chair and to be circulated to our members.
Weddin Shire Stephen O’Byrne: Road widening between Grenfell and Forbes. The new Medical Centre opened on the 3rd May and the new Ambulance Station is in progress.
Dom Figliomeni: Mentioned, when writing to Minister Paul Tool on the issues that the Committee have been working on and if he has the information from his previous minister with the drought and the infrastructure and development for regional areas and bring to his attention the River Street Bridge and the Inland Rail and requested any information from our members that could be used to put forward.
General Business:
Bede Ryan Young: On the 25th May 2019 150 years celebration of steam trains into Goulburn. Tim Fisher is back in a Melbourne hospital and is not very well. Tim also published a letter in the Cowra Paper concerning the upgrade of the Blayney – Demondrille line. Dom asked Bede to convey to Tim the Committee best wishers and hope he improves soon.
Garry Braithwate Dubbo: The Committee should revisit the reopening of the Dubbo – Molong line. A large Copper deposit is located near Larras Lee. Garry also asked the Committee to write to the Government for the purpose of opening the Dubbo – Molong line.
Dom explained we need to get together more information to put to the Government. Ian Gray requested more information on the Toongi progress to add to the web site. Letter received from Philip Laird is of the same view of approaching the Minister Tool in relation to passenger trains and track upgrades to be included in the Ministers letter.
Ian Gray CSU Wagga: The purchase of new passenger trains which are not been replaced 1 for 1 which will have less capacity.
Bill West Cowra: Letter from Bill which relates to the Cowra Lines and the John Holland report and to see if that report can be made available.
Next meeting 7 th September 2019 at Greenethorpe
CHAIRMAN: …………………………………………………….