
Dubbo coaches.jpg

The Lachlan Regional Transport Committee was formed at Gooloogong on Saturday 9th July 1983.

The then State Government had announced that all branch line country passenger trains would cease at the end of 1983 and be replaced by road coaches.

Up until then, Cowra had a twice daily rail service to Sydney and return on Mondays to Fridays plus a mid-night service connecting the main South and Western mail trains. On Saturday and Sunday Cowra only had one service to and from Sydney.

Eugowra and Grenfell had a return service from Cowra with a connecting service from Sydney Monday to Friday.

When the proposed new timetable was released, Eugowra and Grenfell were not going to receive a service at all and Cowra a reduced service.

Needless to say this did not go down well with local councils and a public meeting was called for and held at Gooloogong. Hence the Lachlan Regional Transport Committee was formed taking in road, rail and air issues.

The councils of Weddin, Bland and Cabonne led the charge to reinstate services to Grenfell and Eugowra and additional services to Cowra.

Since the 1980s, LRTC has written many submissions and maintained dialogue with all levels of government about freight and passenger transport. Our work has been recognised in government reports as well as in the media.