Significance: Very large volumes of ore will be transported by either rail or road, or a combination of both, through the Dubbo area.
Area Impacted: Dubbo and area south of Dubbo
Category: Road/Rail
Status: Work in progress
Additional Information:
Additional Information:
The Dubbo Zirconia Project is expected to extract up to 1 million tons of rare earth ores per year for at least 20 years. After on-site processing, around 75,000 tonnes of ore per year will be sent to Port Botany or Newcastle for export. Very large volumes of material will be transported to the mine site for use in processing. These materials may be transported by either rail or road, or a combination of both. Significant decisions on related transport issues will be made over the next few years.
Latest Developments:
At the February 2015 meeting held at Harden, Mark Stacey of Dubbo City Council explained the recently released Environmental Impact Assessment, which recommends that rail transport options be examined as well as road. There is strong support for using a disused railway which is adjacent to the mine site. Mike Sullivan, representing Australian Zirconia Ltd, had explained the project at the May 2014 meeting.
Despite the recommendation that rail transport be examined, support for the rail option expressed by the Dubbo community and City Council and the cost of road upgrades (possibly $10 million) necessary for road transport, we have no evidence of support being given to the rail option by the NSW Government.
By 2021, the company has been restructured but the new entity, Australian Strategic Materials, continues plannning to develop the mine. The project is scheduled to ‘ramp up’ in the next 2-3 years. Freight volumes appear potentially to support a train load 4-5 times per week. LRTC understands that the rail option is still ‘on the table’.
Impact On Community:
Local road traffic will be significantly increased if the mine remains dependent on road transport with heavy vehicles. This may have implications for safety, increased traffic in Dubbo and additional road maintenance costs.
Suggested Community Actions:
People may wish to follow developments through Dubbo City Council and make their views known to their local representatives.
People may wish to make their views known to the relevant New South Wales Government Ministers.
Suitable words for a message could include ‘I note that approval for the Dubbo Zirconia Project granted in 2015 includes a recommendation that consideration be given to rail transport. I am concerned that road traffic generated by the project will bring increased heavy vehicle numbers in and around Dubbo. Moreover, it appears that a lot of money may be spent on roadworks and maintenance while the rail option is investigated. There is a disused railway adjacent to the mine. Could you please advise what consideration is being given to the rail option and explain why rail is not to be used immediately.’
You can send a message to Rob Stokes, NSW Minister for Planning, here .
You can send a message to Paul Toole, Minister for Regional Transport and Roads here .
You could also send the same or a similar message to your local member of the NSW Parliament. They are listed here.
Letters to the editors of newspapers, including The Sydney Morning Herald (email to: would also help to raise awareness of the issue. Some hints to help having letters published in The Sydney Morning Herald are available here.