Minutes of the LRTC Meeting 15th August 2015 at Blayney
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held in Blayney following the AGM at the Council Chambers on Saturday August 15th 2015.
The Chairperson Cr Judith Hannan opened the meeting at 10:25am ATTENDANCE: There were twenty three members in attendance APOLOGIES: As per the attendance book for the AGM.
It was moved K McGrath seconded J Faulks that the minutes of the meeting held at Harden on February 14th 2015 be accepted as read. CARRIED.
The correspondence was circulated to the meeting for perusal by members.
It was moved G Braddon seconded D Hughes. The correspondence was circulated to the meeting for perusal by member
The correspondence was circulated to the meeting for perusal by member
Max explained why he wasn’t’ standing and J Hannan added that she also had correspondence that needed to be added.
J Hannan also reiterated Max Duffey’s years of service to the organisation.
The Treasurer Dennis Hughes presented the report for the previous meeting and detailed the receipts and expenditure and it was tabled for the information of members.
The Treasurer also presented the expenses for the Secretary and it was moved in conjunction with the Treasurers report.
D Hughes moved the Treasurers Report and it was seconded G Braithwaite.
Blayney - G Braddon
Commented on the Blayney Foods project with the proprietor George Tnanos and issues he is having the EPA.
Abattoirs still going ahead and something the Shire needs.
Cowra - B West
Didn’t have much comment except to say he attended the recent CENTROC meeting and also commented that the Blayney Demondrille decision was disappointing.
Parkes - K McGrath
Make comment on the inland rail and particularly to Toowoomba and also the input former Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson is having as well.
Parkes airport is undergoing a proposed major construction for freight and will benefit the Shire and surrounds and given $300 million to undertake reports etc.
Wollondilly - J Hannan.
Outer city orbital is critical by Dept of Planning regarding road through there area and impact on new development. More consultation is needed.
Consultation is not happening where it needs to be the airport is still a major concern.
Lachlan Valley Rail:
They are supporting Cowra Council and its ideas as well as John Holland. John Faulks has asked his local State representative to have the Bomaderry turntable repaired so the LVR locomotives can use it.
Looking at tours down the south coast etc.
John Holland: - Andrew Henderson
Made comment and gave a rundown on logistics of rail Andrews responsibility is mainly trains etc. He said he would schedule a chat for the next meeting.
Applying to the regulator for funding and also said they are increasing ballast depths and line size to five. Comment made re the grading is 1:40 but ideally to be 1;;66 on the Blayney Demondrille line.
M Simson asked about the cost and it was said that between $12 to $60 million.
G Braddon asked if John Holland was only interested in the southern section of the line. John Holland is interested in the whole line but there are challenges in the northern area.
He also said that John Holland is keen to support LRTC and will attend meetings in the future.
Ian Gray:
Commented on the website and asked for projects to be included on the site which would benefit all members. There are some interesting projects on the site.
Also mentioned about Spring Hill development and Wumbal Gully etc. which are similar projects competing against each other.
A letter to be sent to the Minister for Transport and his colleagues and adversaries expressing our concern about the competition and transparency in decision making. This was moved M Simpson seconded M Duffey. CARRIED.
M Simpson said that Port Botany wasn’t involved in strikes and it is becoming automated.
Mark Stacey - Dubbo:
Approval for road at Alkane and to look at rail within three years and comment made about the timeframe and why it wasn’t done initially with a concern for truck movements.
G Standen: Commented on an article in the Lithgow Mercury. Asked
that letter be sent about the decommissioning of the electrification of the Lithgow Mt Victoria Line and clarification of that line and its future.
Moved G Standen seconded b Williamson. CARRIED.
Ken Keith is going to the Rail Freight Alliance meeting in Melbourne and J Hannan asked K McGrath if Ken could give us a report on the meeting once it is available.
The next meeting will be held at Picton at the Train Museum at Thirlmere on November 7th 2015. And we will talk to museum about that being the venue.
Notify relevant media outlets to attend next meeting at Picton. There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:50am.