Minutes of the LRTC Meeting 23rd May 2015 at Parkes
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held in Parkes at the Council Chambers on Saturday May 23rd 2015
The Chairperson Cr Judith Hannan opened the meeting at 10:00am and asked the Mayor of Parkes Shire Council Cr Ken Keith to welcome all to the meeting.
Councilor Keith Also Chairs the Newell Highway Committee, works closely with the Roads and Maritime Services, The NRMA, and Chairs an alliance of Councils supporting the Melbourne to Brisbane railway and Commonwealth Inland Railways.
He gave a briefing on what was happening in the Parkes Shire including the upgrade to the Newell Highway, Melbourne/Brisbane Rail and pushing for the completion of the study.
It was moved B West seconded W Irwin that the following apologies be accepted.
A Taylor, H Mansfield, G Braddon, T Healy, S Freudenstein, G Jones, K Thrupp, W Batten, J De Britt, D Figliomeni, P Laird, T Fischer, G Halls, M Liebich, K Hodgeman.
It was moved P Best seconded B West that the minutes of the meeting held at Harden on February 14th 2015 be accepted as read. CARRIED.
The Secretary Max Duffey gave a brief report to the meeting.
It was moved M Duffey seconded G Standen that his report be accepted. CARRIED.
The correspondence was circulated to the meeting for perusal by members.
The Treasurer Dennis Hughes presented his Treasurers Report and circulated the financial statements.
Total income for the period was $25.16 and expenditure was $2,564.62 leaving a bank balance of $8775.30
There were no questions and it was moved D Hughes seconded G Standen that the Treasurers Report be accepted. CARRIED.
The following reports were presented to the meeting.
M Stacey – Dubbo:
The upgrade of the saleyards interchange is continuing and the project is almost ready for approval and funding for level crossing lights and boom gates.
The Toongi Zirconia project has been recommended to the State Government for approval.
State government has announced Dubbo Rail Triangle.
Dubbo City Council to support economic development for inland rail system.
ARTC spending considerable dollars on Wheelers Lane.
Gray Braithwaite (Dubbo) Commented on a plan to duplicate a bridge in Dubbo but pointed out that the money may be better spent on a ring road.
Bill West – Cowra:
Cowra CBD work close to being completed.
Still looking at a by-pass for the town.
Bridge over river at Gooloogong is complete.
CENTROC will raise a number of issues at its meeting next week and is interested in taking a regional, strategic, perspective involving the Maldon- Dombarton line.
Blayney-Demondrille line.Neither tender for this line was accepted by the State Government and did not look likely at this stage.
A number of Councils still pushing for it.
LRTC Members can help to find potential customers for rail development.
State member still keen to pursue this and fund through sale of ‘poles and wires’.
Maurice Simpson – Grenfell:
Said he had recently met with the local member Karina Hodgkinson regarding transport issues and she had brought them to the attention of her parliamentary colleagues. He also indicated that it was his impression Graincorp preferred trucks over rail.
Judith Hannan – Wollondilly:
Commented that the Dombarton line is a priority for them.
Council is preparing feedback re. Badgerys Creek proposal.
Badgerys Creek is moving ahead with an EPA not too far away.
Commented on the Picton Interchange with the Hume Highway.
Lachlan Valley Rail:
Tony Healey committed to reopening the Blayney – Demondrille line.
The LVR wish to come home to Cowra but at this stage there are some carriages locked in at Cowra.
Looking at steam train to south coast as well.
Warwick Irwin:
There has been some discussion in the media about the Maldon – Dombarton line carrying passengers.
Trials of driver education for children in years 8 and 9 at school.
Ian Gray:
Commented on the progress of the website.
Any ideas for webpage please submit them to Ian.
Commented on the Blayney/Demondrille line and his thoughts.
Also said we need to look outside the square in regard to road safety.
Look at putting the Toongi development on the website.
Max Duffey talked about state rail selloff.
Discussion about a proposal for a single receiving point for grain in northern NSW.
Graham Dun reported that there was discussion about an RMS report which found insufficient traffic to justify a new road over the Blue Mountains.
Invite state and federal representatives to next meeting including relevant key stakeholders such as Graincorp and others and include government representatives. Moved M Simpson seconded G Standen that an invitation be sent to all concerned. M Duffey to send invitations. CARRIED.
Judy Hannan asked are Councils willing to send and issue press releases regarding the ongoing work of this committee and their input to relevant parties who should be interested? Need to advise as many people as possible of our initiatives. Moved J Hannan seconded M Simpson that we send an invitation to both Graincorp and Farmers Association. CARRIED.
Comment made that the Lithgow/Mt Victoria road project is not viable or cost effective.
R Morris supports the Cowra Council Tourism Freight initiatives etc.
Graham Dunn spoke about the input bureaucrats have in the decision making process and their influence on policy.
There is a new Tourism Minister – Stuart Ayers who hopefully will bring new ideas to the portfolio and it was moved that the committee write to the Minister asking and expressing the committee’s thoughts. This was moved G Standen seconded W Irwin. CARRIED.
J Hannan said it was important to invite relevant stakeholders to the next meeting in Blayney such as Fletchers, Manildra Mills, George Tannos from Blayney Foods, Representatives from the Blayney Terminal etc
It was moved G Dunn seconded G Standen that the account of Max Duffey be approved for payment. CARRIED.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:50am