Minutes of the LRTC Meeting 25th February 2017 at Temora Visitor's Centre
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held in Temora at the Visitors Centre on Saturday February 25th 2017
The Chairman Dom Figliomeni welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked Cr Dale Wiencke to welcome all on behalf of Temora Council.
Cr Wiencke gave a very broad rundown on numerous activities and attractions Temora had to offer and the programs and progress in the community
ATTENDANCE: As per the attendance book. Twenty two in attendance.
APOLOGIES: As per the attendance book with fourteen apologies.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING held at Lithgow in November 2016 be accepted as read. This was moved M Simpson seconded E Wilkinson. CARRIED.
BUSINESS ARISING: General comments regarding the turntable Nowra and the bridge bypass at Cowra.
SECRETARYS REPORT: The Secretary said correspondence received was included in the minutes for everyone’s information and perusal.
TREASURERS REPORT: The Treasurer Dennis Hughes presented the Treasurer’s Report which was also attached to the minutes for everyone’s information. It was moved D Hughes seconded R Morris. CARRIED.
Cr Steve O’Byrne – Weddin Shire. Steve commented on the flood damage to roads and the work Council was doing to get them repaired and the ongoing debate about B-Double movements in the Shire.
Ray Morris - Lachlan Valley Rail. Ray commented on the ongoing discussions between John Holland and LVR and hoped something positive would eventuate in the near future. Continuing to upgrade buildings as well and are up grading the turn table.
Graham Dun – Central West Transport Forum. Not happy with government representation with roads. Received email from Lithgow Council regarding a master plan for a road over the mountain etc. Moved M. Simpson Write to Cowra and Parkes Councils regarding progress on planning of the Bell Line of Road Seconded R. Morris CARRIED
Graham will provide information and possibly LRTC will be able to assist in lobbying.
Eddie Wilkinson: Commented on the Facebook page and how it was progressing. Look at inviting the new state Member for Orange to next meeting.
Cr Michael O’Leary – Cowra Shire Council. Reviewing low level bridges in the area after floods and CBD upgrades in Cowra Township.
Cr Ken McGrath – Parkes Shire Council. General comment regarding the Melbourne – Brisbane Rail Link. Road by pass around Parkes to connect with the Rail Hub as part of the Melbourne – Brisbane inland rail. Elvis Festival was a huge success for Parkes in the 25th year. He also said that representatives from Council would be attending the Australian Tourism Awards in Darwin as Parkes was a finalist.
Rob Fisher – Temora Shire Council. Commented on the ongoing road repairs following floods and the need to continue lobbying for funding to complete such works. Commented on an alternate route for heavy vehicles around Temora Township and also restricting access of those vehicles.
Harden Line: Comment made by Ian Gray regarding the $5 million allocated to upgrades. Is the money just going to no longer exist?
Hilltops: Wendy Tuckerman Written report on the progress of the Demondrille – Maimuru Line.
Centurion Group: Annie Chatfield Written report on the progress of the group’s activities concerning Port Kembla
Ideas: Bill West put forward a number of matters. Asked that a meeting be arranged with CENTROC to discuss transport matters. It was moved G Dun seconded R Morris that a meeting be arranged with B West as LRTC’s representative. CARRIED.
Facebook: Still need additional followers and talk to as many people as possible.
New Airport: Scheduled for next meeting.
M Simpson: Items for CENTROC to be presented at the meeting when it is arranged. Moved M. Simpson seconded E Wilkinson. CARRIED.
R Fisher: Commented on the fuel excise levy which will cease in 2019 and its connection to road funding which affects all Councils. State funding for road repairs with $2.9 million in funding over two years Continuing to apply for Assistance Grants and the need to continue lobbying which are currently frozen. Discussion about road train access east of the Newell Highway as Temora Council has had interest from local truck operators to run road trains in their shire. Discussion on the freezing of the Federal assistance grants and that we should write to the Feds and State in support of indexation which ceased in 2013.
Dom Figliomeni: Suggested that we try to meet the new NSW Transport Minister and the Fishers and Shooters party representative as well regarding road trains etc.
Ian Gray: Offered to look into research figures of damage to roads by Road Trains. Next Meeting: The Meeting is scheduled for Cabonne Shire to be held at Canowindra on Saturday May 6th and a request be sent to them to host the meeting.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 11:30pm
CHAIRMAN ………………………………………………….