To Minister Constance May 19
Hon Minister Andrew Constance MP
Parliament House
Sydney 2000
21st May 2019
Dear Minister
Re Regional Roads and Rail
On behalf of the Lachlan Regional Transport Committee (LRTC) I would like to congratulate you and the Premier Gladys Berejiklian on the re-election of the Liberal Government in NSW. For information the LRTC comprises of the Councils listed in the attached letter who jointly contribute in excess of $55.79b to GSP, support 28793 local businesses that generate 148590 local jobs.
The main objective of LRTC is to act as a conduit between our members and Government to progress transport related matters that are critical for the future growth and development of our regions.
Attached for your consideration is a letter sent to the Premier prior to the election requesting action and information on the matters identified in that letter. LRTC welcomes the opportunity to meet with you at a future LRTC meeting so that the Governments position on the identified and other projects can be clearly enunciated to members so that a constructive dialogue can be established in an environment of co-operation and understanding of local matters.
The next LRTC meeting is scheduled for 7 September at Greenethorpe and your ability to attend would be very much appreciated. LRTC also recognises your busy schedule and will be pleased to meet at a time and place suitable to you.
Notwithstanding the above there are two keys projects noted in the attached which are a serious concern to our members. These two key projects are;
1) Proposed Dubbo “River Street Bridge” – there is considerable local concern on the current alignment of this bridge and there are question marks as follows
on the bridges ability to provide an all-weather flood free access
the impact on small business due to the number of B doubles that will use the route
the estimated cost increasing from approximately $140m to $250m
Council and local residents are against the current alignment as it will create more problems that it attempts to address
There is an alternative by-pass route that will achieve the desired objectives plus provide for easier logistic operations in and through Dubbo.
Minister we ask that the current proposed alignment of the Dubbo River Street Bridge is revisited as discussions between Dubbo Council and RMS have been to no avail.
2) Inland Rail – while we note that responsibility for the Inland Rail project resides with ARTC and the Federal Government, LRTC would appreciate any approaches that you are able to make to address the proposed alignment between Narromine and Narrabri.
While LRTC strongly supports the need for the Inland Rail, LRTC and many affected farmers have the following concerns;
local information notes that the proposed alignment is through a flood prone area
it appears that the previous studies developed over the past ten years were disregarded
there was limited consultation on the revised alignment
lack of transparency regarding the proposed route selection
there is a general lack of information on the benefits of the proposed alignment.
LRTC would welcome your intervention where possible to call for establishment of an appropriately constituted committee with local and relevant stakeholder input to address the concerns raised.
3) The signing of contracts for new regional passenger trains and commitments made for studies and investment in track upgrades on the Main West and other lines is welcomed and supported by LRTC. However, LRTC requests if the Minister is able to provide further details or advise when these new trains and studies will be made available.
Yours sincerely
Dom Figliomeni
Chairman LRTC
Yours Sincerely, FOR. Dom Figliomeni
Dennis Hughes Lachlan Regional Transport Committee
Sec/Trea LRTC